Scooper Application - HAPPY Staking 🥳 - Temperature Check

Dear all,

As introduced in the DAO discussion Forum I‘d like to apply to become a Scooper Operator.


Scoopers build and submit large batches of transactions on the Sundae platform. A team of 29 Scoopers was first elected, but over time a few team members have become inactive. This application will make up for an inactive operator and, when approved, will make sure that swaps on Sundae will continue to be processed swiftly.

Proposal and Motivation

Allow Leon, SPO of HAPPY Staking :partying_face: to operate a Sundae Scooper.
I think I would be a good addition to the Scooper team because of my experience as an SPO (1.5 years) and having operated a Spectrum Finance batcher for about six months. Also I have a background in computer science and I’m managing privately owned infra in two datacenters that run the stake pool and testnet pools.

The options in the Governance Proposal will be:

Yes: Allow Leon, SPO of HAPPY Staking :partying_face: to operate a Sundae Scooper.
No: Reject the application.

Are you interested in participating in an on-chain vote about this Scooper Application? Please click “Interested” below if you are, and take no action if you’re not interested.

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