Scooper Application

Hi @Giovanni, Welcome!

We haven’t really had an application for scooper before, beyond the initial election, so we’re kind of breaking new ground here, and don’t have a template for how it should go beyond the normal governance procedures :slight_smile:

I think the next best steps are to engage with the Sundae Community (I’ve cross-posted this in our governance chat in Discord), and with the scoopers (I’ve also shared it with them), and answer any questions they have.

Ultimately it’s the DAOs decision, but in my mind, there are three key criteria that I value in a scooper for the Sundae protocol. Nothing in this list is to say you don’t meet these criteria, I think you fit them all well, but just to enumerate them:

  • A public history / track record of strong moral character; One of the trade-offs made in the design was to make scoopers permissioned in order to ensure a “first-come, first-served” execution model which is difficult to guarantee on chain. Thus, while the scope for abuse is fairly limited, I personally have a high standard for the ethical grounding of any scoopers I’d vote for.
  • A strong technical background; Running a scooper efficiently is a challenging technical task, and requires quite an investment of effort. It’s also not the most lucrative thing in the world, being a scooper, just a fair warning :sweat_smile:
  • A willingness to represent and advocate for Sundae, but not at the expense of other protocols; Obviously what each person does and says is their own business, but I really love and value the stance of cooper-tition that Sundae has managed to establish. As a scooper, you become somewhat of a representative for the protocol, and I personally wouldn’t vote for someone who was just going to shit-talk any competing protocols because they now had a vested in terested in Sundae. :sweat_smile:

After that, if you feel you’ve done enough “campaigning” to win over some votes, you can create a temperature check. This is basically a spam prevention measure: are there 20 people who are interested in voting (not neccesarily voting yes, just voting in general) on your proposal.

Once you receive those 20 “signatures” (via a poll on this forum in the Temperature Check category), I can show you how to create a proposal on the Sundae governance forum!

Finally, this is unrelated to your application, but there are some great governance discussions ongoing now around fees and budgets that you may want to take part in :slight_smile: