Changing the unlock period for harvesting

I believe to stay competitive SS needs to lower there unlocking period for harvesting down to weekly and/or 24hrs. I would like to see more incentives for longer lock up periods. I don’t see why anyone would lock up for 30 days when competitors have anytime harvesting.


totally agree to this…
There are competitors with anytime harvesting and no locking period,so we have to fix thiw issue as soon as possible


yes do we have to have a temp check before a vote? this just kind of seems like common sense. is it possible we can see this live before Q4 of 2023?


Yes, 30 days is definitely too long. I can’t think of any other dex that does this. Sundaeswap was the first to market so people accepted it but there is more competition now and will only get more competitive, it needs to have similar features as competitors.

Personally speaking, I would much rather provide LP without Lockup period even if it’s at a lower APY.


30 days is too long. I agree that I would rather have a lower APY without a lockup period.


Yes, the lockup period must be review, for example by giving extra APY for those you provide LP for a longer time.


Totally agree at bare minimum 7 to 5 days

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The 30 day lockup is exactly why Sundae has lost TVL. The market is to volatile to commit to 30 days


The 30-day lockup is unnecessary, imo.

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Yup, this 100%. Also hurts the SundaeSwap team and the scoopers because they collect fees off of transactions. But locking your funds prevents that.


Such a valid point that should really be looked into as soon as possible. 24hrs locked up period is still okay.

or perhaps there are options to lock commit certain period, the loger period u take, the better the reward. And also be able to harvest anytime despite of the lockup period, like minswap


Absolutely @conz. I have noticed when you have small rewards say like < 6 SUNDAE after the 30 days lock-up period, harvesting is barely profitable.

Doesn’t the DEX force you to harvest after 30 days? If yes, then it should probably be better if there’s no definite lockup period. Such that rewards can accumulate to a sensible amount.

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@estelle sundaeswap does not force you to garvest. So u can keep on yielding, but it’s not auto compounding although I think they already looking into it


Oh, thanks for clarifying. Then my point is moot.

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I suspect the 30 days locking period is a technical tradeoff. It already takes up to 10 days to get the SUNDAE when everybody is harvesting once per month. Imagine doing it every week or even worse every day.
I am confident that the developers are working on a solution which will allow them to lower the staking period. A confirmation from a team member here would be appreciated


A lock up period should be optional and guarantee a greater return…for the greater risk of not having your liquidity when you need it.


I agree with this proposal. Sundae swap needs to remain competitive and IL is a risk factor that makes locking up funds for 30 days riskier. I would rather go with a shorter period because of this risk.

The issue I have is the 1 week timeframe to harvest.
Locking up and demonstration of some loyalty will, I hope build strength an interest in this dex

The 30 day lock up “would be fine”

If it had utility and was falling through the floor week in week out