Placing of limit order

dear all at Sundaeswap, this is an honest and simple fact ,if you do not add limit order capability to Sundaeswap it will not be the go to DEX, your competitors have Limit orders < I hold Sundaeswap tokens and have been involved from the off with you ,but when I want to buy mostly I place a limit ordesr with other DEXs so I can forget about it until I get notified it has been filled ,
its essential and a no brainer


It’s needed create a proposal

Mr-Haskell, I have tried to work out how to make a proposal but i cannot understand how to do so, I can see the example of the cog and further details instructions but when I click on the cog in it just says blur or hide and nothing to do with build Poll etc.

Please review the governance procedures and try again:

The starting point is creating a new Temperature Check in the Temp Check category. Please include links to examples or other details to help support your suggestion. If you need help, post on the #GovernanceChat channel in the SundaeSwap discord.