Update Yield Farming Threshold Parameter from 80th to 95th percentile with additional requirements

We propose to change the reward threshold from 80th percentile to 95th percentile to attract more liquidity. Pools above the 80th percentile must fulfil the additional requirement of having at least one token of the allow-list (see below).

More liquidity increases trades and with it the revenue. We should aim to attract as much liquidity as possible.


  • Rewards threshold to 95th percentile from 80th percentile.
  • Adding an allowlist consists of ADA, USDM, DJED and iUSD. Any pools above the 80th percentile must have one of these assets to receive rewards.
  • Give Sundae Labs the power to disallow pools it deems abusive to the system, until a governance vote can be held.

The allow-list and the master key for Sundae Labs is a safety net so that nobody can misuse the system.


We considered many options, and filtered it down to a few popular options below:

  1. Vote No Change to make no change to the parameters of the program
  2. Vote Adjust pool rewards threshold to 95th percentile with the additional requirements to adjust the parameters so that additional pools receive rewards to attract liquidity.


Please indicate below whether you would like to see an on-chain vote for this proposal. Per the governance procedures, once we receive 20 “Interested” votes, we will create the on-chain proposal for voting

  • Interested
  • Uninterested
0 voters
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How many votes do you need for this proposal to pass?


This isn’t a pass/fail vote; it’s just determining whether it can go to an on-chain vote, and the threshold is 20.


20 votes, the question is, when will it arrive?

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I’m in talk with Sundae Labs to bring it on-chain.