Increase threshold from 80% to 95% in Farming

This proposal seeks to promote and give an incentive to small Pools that SUNDAE users want to promote with their tokens. Previously the team had implemented this system for 30 days and we saw an increase in the participation and liquidity of the protocol.

This proposal seeks to ensure that small pools have their rewards and that small Sundae Holders can incentivize their own pools.

These would also be some of the benefits that rewards would bring in other small pools.

1- The SUNDAE rewards would be distributed among more users and wallets and by doing this each user will be able to accumulate more SUNDAE and the selling pressure would decrease.
2- The SUNDAE earned in farming and distributed among more Wallets participating in the protocol, would increase the fees (Sundae Protocol Fee) By increasing the number of TRX either by Sale or purchase of SUNDAE
3-It would increase the liquidity and volume of the entire protocol by increasing the incentive, this would make SUNDAE more valuable, since the whales are the ones who select which pool to reward.
4-Saying the above, it would further increase the interest and the number of transactions in the Pools paid in farming, (Sundae Protocol Fee)

The possible Pools that would currently benefit would be:


I have 3 options for threshold increase, the SUNDAE community would vote to select the best option.

Increase the threshold from 80% to 85%, 90% or 95%.

  • Increase threshold to 85%
  • Increase threshold to 90%
  • Increase threshold to 95%
  • No increase threshold
0 voters