Enhance "about" section of liquidity pools (trade pair)

Hi Sundae Community!

We want to join forces with this sweet DEX by enhancing the “About” section of the liquidity pool UI when pair-trading tokens on SundaeSwap.

Our Proposal

We want to add two buttons that allow users to conveniently access important information (public and exclusive) about the liquidity pool’s token on the SundaeSwap App.

Who are we

We are VAULT3, a token-gating solution that allows projects and content creators to easily distribute exclusive content to their token holders.

Why this enhancement

Convenient public information about tokens
Sundae users might get attracted by the price performance of recently listed assets, and having on the UI more information about the token’s details (utility, tokenomics, roadmap, etc.), and the project behind it, would save precious time for traders to make informed buy/sell decisions.

Exclusive content for token holders
Also, listed projects can leverage our token gates to share exclusive information for token holders. This can include announcements and reports pre-releases, credentials to access a beta version of an awaited protocol enhancement, and more!

Longer user sessions
By providing all this information, users can spend more time reading about Cardano native assets and trading on SundaeSwap, generating more revenue for the protocol.

How it works

We offer a plug-and-play Javascript SDK that allows a seamless unlocking experience for data sharing. This can have access conditions or not depending on whether the token gate is public or exclusive for token holders.

Step 1: Click on the “Unlock” button, and connect wallet.

Step 2: Sign a message to prove ownership and wait until we check if you fulfill the conditions.

Step 3: Get access to the exclusive content.

Accessing public content works similarly but doesn’t require connecting a wallet.

LP admins can easily create their token gates and upload the public/exclusive content on vaul3.io, Then, they can save the generated public access link on the SundaeSwap platform so that the button connected to the SDK is displayed on the “About” section.

The UI elements and experience can be changed and improved on request. We are looking forward to hearing your opinions on this proposal!

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This is a really cool idea; apologies for not replying sooner, we’ve been heads down for the launch of Sundae v3 :slight_smile:

Can you go into more detail about exactly what kind of information would appear in the token gated section?

How would you authenticate who is allowed to update that content?

Are there any fees that would be associated with this?


Thank you! No worries at all. Congrats on the launch of Sundae v3! :tada:

Can you go into more detail about exactly what kind of information would appear in the token gated section?

This depends on the project. Let’s stick to the $WMT LP to explain the business case:

  • Public section

Whitepaper, tokenomics, and the project’s development roadmap.

  • Token gated section (only accessible by token holders)

Strategic data about the project

Pre-release of earnings reports for Q2 2024, pre-release of strategic partnership announcement with governments, VCs, or “blue chip” corporations, and essentially any information that can impact the token’s price. This incentivizes potential investors to buy $WMT tokens to access exclusive insights about the project while increasing trading volume on the DEX.

Marketing and PR data

Videos from the founders or ambassadors welcoming new investors and showing the project’s progress and impact in real life. A brochure with a QR for Giveaway campaigns, and tutorials only for token holders. This creates a closer relationship between projects and their communities.

How would you authenticate who is allowed to update that content?

This would depend on how you currently register an official liquidity pool. Ideally, only the wallet that creates and registers the LP, may add or change the VAULT3 access link to the token-gated content in its About section.

Are there any fees that would be associated with this?

Currently, our services are 100% free as we are still finishing the v1 of our product. Once we officially launch (beginning of Q3 2024), we will implement our business model based on subscriptions and the number of unique unlocks per token gate. As soon as our SDK is ready to be integrated, we can gladly schedule a meeting to show you a demo and discuss the pricing for an enterprise subscription.

Please let me know if you have further questions!

This would depend on how you currently register an official liquidity pool.

There is no registering an “official” liquidity pool; anyone can create a liquidity pool for any token.

This depends on the project.

What systems of moderation are in place? We can’t host/display some types of content.

based on subscriptions and the number of unique unlocks per token gate

Who would be charged this fee? Sundae Labs? the projects providing content for their token? etc.

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thanks for the information sundae labs

There is no registering an “official” liquidity pool; anyone can create a liquidity pool for any token.

Thanks for the info! I thought there was a verification process for official LPs. Do you store what stake key registers the LP? In that case, the creator should have the right to add, update and remove the VAULT3 links to the public and unlockable content. Sundae should also have the right to remove links to avoid nsfw content or trolling.

What systems of moderation are in place? We can’t host/display some types of content.

Currently, we are at MVP phase, so we only limit executable files to protect our users from malware and ransomware. However, we can gladly implement a moderation system for this integration.

Who would be charged this fee? Sundae Labs? the projects providing content for their token? etc.

This depends on your internal strategy to leverage this powerful marketing feature in your solution. We can work with both models:

  1. Sundae pays the subscription: All Sundae users can enjoy this enhancement for free. You would only pay on usage (with a cap based on the subscription), while you save precious resources to keep building great features on your DEX. In this model, you could also charge your users a fee (with a margin on top of ours) to add this unlockable content.
  2. The LP admins pay for the subscription: LP admins cover fees for their token gates on our platform. You would only have to integrate our SDK and the VAULT3 link in the LP creation form.