Time-Weighted Delegation Power

Ahh, I did not realize that an update to any LP position would result in resetting the timer. Yes, this changes the situation quite a bit.

Instead, I think a far more elegant solution that avoids all of this is:

  • when computing delegation amounts to each pool
    • first compute the midnight snapshot as normal
    • then, add up the last N days worth of delegation by pool

:laughing: That was my original suggestion (option 1), but I thought that you had mentioned in discord that the time weighted average would somehow actually be easier to implement than an N-day simple moving average.
With this understanding, I’d rather put forward a temperature check with the N-day simple moving average. Having your delegation reset when “topping off” your Sundae delegation might have been a reasonable sacrifice in the short-term to get something quickly deployed if it meant the work would also contribute towards a longer term solution using the time-weighted average. But if it means that redistributing liquidity to any LP pool resets the clock, then that is not a reasonable tradeoff imo (and wouldn’t really address the HRA “inconsistency” as well as leading to “unintentional” masking of delegation power)